Sunday, 25 June 2023



SUNDAY 25TH JUNE, 2023. 9:00AM GMT+1.

OPENING PRAYER5mins.• Thank God for all our Church Services in our Children's Church, we are increasing daily, more Children are added to us daily.• Thank God for yourself, you are a soul winner in God's Kingdom.

PRAISE AND WORSHIP 10mins.3 Worship songs and 3 Praise songs.


RHAPSODY OF REALITIES FOR EARLY READERS FOR JUNE 2023 Sunday 25 The Sun Of Righteousness But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. Malachi 4:2 Today’s opening scripture is talking about the Lord Jesus. He is the Sun of Righteousness; and like the sun, He drives away the darkness from the world with His brightness. Hallelujah! He is the light of healing, strength, excellence and perfection in you, and He shines on everything that concerns you. Just like the Lord Jesus, shine in your world and never allow darkness in your life, and those around you through your faith-filled declarations! Scripture Reading – 1 John 4:4 Let’s Pray Thank you dear Lord Jesus for bringing hope, love, excellence and perfection into my life. Hallelujah!

Speak in tongues!!
TODAY'S MESSAGE Global kids connect excerpt 1


OFFERING TIME!Bless your tithes and offerings.Go ahead and give!
Also use the offering link to give towards the site, for your partnership, special seeds, ROW and other givings.

PRAYERIn the Mighty Name of Jesus, our giving today promotes us and makes us the best in all things. We are ahead of our peers, we are number one amongst others. Thank you Lord for this blessing to give, we receive, in Jesus' Name. Amen.


If you are joining us for the first time, you can indicate using the comment box, your name and who invited you. We have a free gift for you.
Welcome to Church, we are glad you came. We would love to see more of you. Ensure to come with other kids as you come again. God bless you.
For your prayer requests, click;PRAYER REQUESTS

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer out loud, believing with all your heart: 

Lord, I thank you for dying for me to give me salvation and eternal life. I believe in your work on the cross for me. I believe you died and rose. I receive eternal life today. I receive the Holy Spirit today. I am born again. Thank you Jesus!

Share your testimony, click; 

CLOSING BENEDICTION Thank God for a wonderful Service as you lift your hands now.
Let's share the grace.And, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all now and forever. Amen.
Surely, God’s goodness and mercy follow us, every day, as we dwell in the house of God forever. Amen.
You are a victor!!


                                                       SERVICE FOR; SUNDAY 9TH MARCH. 2025, 9:00AM GMT+1 OPENING PRAYER 5mins. • Pray for ch...