Auntie Rose

Do you know it is important to give? Your giving is important to God.

It is important to give your tithes, seeds, offerings, first fruit and special seeds to God. If you want to prosper, you must give. 

The Bible says, 
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Luke 6:38

If you want to receive, you must give. Also, there would be increase when it comes back to you, it would be multiplied. It is a spiritual principle. Anyone who gives, receives a multiplied harvest. So if you want to be financially bigger, you must give. You give your seeds, tithes, offerings, partnership... e.t.c. As you give, expect a big harvest, when you give bigger, you receive a bigger harvest. Hallelujah!

So when next you get your pocket money, don't use all of it for sweets and chewing gums. Firstly,  you take away your tithe, which is 1/10 of all the money, then keep some aside for your offerings, seeds and partnerships. 

As you give, God would keep promoting you. You'll live a balanced life in every area. So do not joke with your giving. Give and give very big! Hallelujah!