Auntie Rose 

"...At the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And to the glory of God the Father everyone will openly agree, "Jesus Christ is Lord!"
 -Philippians 2:10-11 CEV 

Do you know you have authority? Yes you do and your authority is in Jesus Christ. Our opening Scripture tells us that.

When you have authority, you can do big things. You can also heal the sick, cast out devils and raise the dead. Your authority covers every area in your world.

When you see a policeman,  you know you are supposed to obey him because he has authority presented to you through his dressing. Whatever he says to you, you do it. This is from the authority given to him by the government which everyone must obey.

You own authority is even higher than he's.  You can issue commands from where you are and be obeyed as long as it is consistent with the Word of God. 

You can command sickness, disease and infirmity and they would obey you. This authority handles such issues.

When you issue commands, you do so in the Name of Jesus and you'll be obeyed.  Everything is subject to the Name of Jesus, in heaven, on earth and in hell. Everytime you mention that Name, you put the devil on the run.

Whenever you need to change anything,  use the Name of Jesus, and you'll e obeyed. 

If you have challenges in your studies, your health, your family, use that Name to cause the change you want to see. Speak and back it up in the Name of Jesus and then receive your miracle! Praise the Lord!


                                                       SERVICE FOR; SUNDAY 9TH MARCH. 2025, 9:00AM GMT+1 OPENING PRAYER 5mins. • Pray for ch...