Auntie Rose

As a child of God, you are a soul winner. The day you became born again, you were made a soul winner. 

The Bible says in Matthew 28:19
Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

This is for everyone who is born again. You must win souls into the Kingdom. You must tell everybody around you about Jesus so that they can also be saved. If they remain that way, they would go to hell. We want to save them from the power of satan and bring them to God. 

God cannot reach them without you that is why He made you a soul winner. So you must take this responsibility very seriously because God is depending on you to win many others into the Kingdom. 

You start with your friends, our classmates, those in your neighbourhood and any other place. Preach Jesus to them. You can send copies of Kiddies Rhapsody and any other ministry material to them so they can read and receive God’s Word. 

Download a copy f the Kiddies Rhapsody @

Don't be quite about preaching the gospel. Let everyone around you hear about Jesus through you, that way, you are making impact in the Kingdom! Hallelujah!

After our celebration today, we will all go out for soul winning and ensure that they are in Church on Sunday. Send their details, name and contact to, so that we can pray for them and follow them up. 


                                                       SERVICE FOR; SUNDAY 9TH MARCH. 2025, 9:00AM GMT+1 OPENING PRAYER 5mins. • Pray for ch...