Auntie Rose 

Each time you receive, you start by setting aside your tithe which is one tenth and very compulsory for you to give. When you don't give your tithes, you rob God because the tithes belongs to Him. The Bible says,

"You people are robbing me, your God. And, here you are, asking, “How are we robbing you?” You are robbing me of the offerings and of the ten percent that belongs to me.[b]." Malachi 3:8 CEV.
The ten percent is one tenth of the money you received and it belongs to God. So you pay it from any money you receive. It is not given, it is paid. Hallelujah!

Next, you take your offerings and special seeds out, and then your partnership. Your partnership seed is very important to God.

We have our partnership every month here in Church. So you have to plan for it as well. So each month, you set aside a certain amount you would give for your partnership. Also, as God blesses you, you increase it because, the more you give, the more you receive.

Our partnership seeds go around the world to change lives, bringing joy and peace to people's homes and lives. So when you give, do so with this mindset.

People are counting and depending on you for their change and you are God’s number one change agent. God wants to use you to change lives all over the world, He wants to bring joy and smiles to faces through you. So you must be ready for this.

Each time you set aside that seed, thank God for the change you are about to cause and the difference you are about to make in the lives of many around the world, get yourself ready for global impact.

You may not be there but your money is preaching there. You are winning souls from where you are. You may not know how many lives you have changed but God knows, it's all in God's record in heaven.

So keep at what you are doing with your partnership, God who sees in secret would reward you openly. Hallelujah!


                                                       SERVICE FOR; SUNDAY 9TH MARCH. 2025, 9:00AM GMT+1 OPENING PRAYER 5mins. • Pray for ch...